Thursday 6 November 2008

WAR is not the WoW killer

Well, most of you will have known this already, but yesterday Mike Morhaime, CEO of Blizzard Entertainment confirmed what we suspected: World of Warcraft lost a number of subscribers due to the launch of Warhammer Online, but already players who canceled their subscription are flocking back to WoW

"To date, 68% of the players who listed Age of Conan as their reason for cancellation and 46% of the players who listed Warhammer as their reason for cancellation have reactivated their subscriptions to World of Warcraft."(source)

Almost half of the players who left WoW, returned less than 1.5 months after Warhammer Online has been released. Quite interesting.

Now, apparently Warhammer is still doing well, with the one million active subscribers mark close on the horizon. This can only mean that Warhammer is either gaining a lot of subscribers from other games, or that it's actually expanding the market. But it's not the World of Warcraft killer some people thought or hoped it would be.

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