Friday 23 May 2008

Go Kill Kael!

A month or two ago, with patch 2.4, Blizzard removed all attunements for all raid dungeons in TBC. The only thing you still need is someone that has the key to open the gate at Karazhan, ironically enough the entry level raid dungeon. Nevertheless, a great idea, since it gives everyone a chance to experience all raiding content that was added in the expansion.

One of the side effects of this is though, that raiding guilds seem less inclined to tackle the so-called "gateway" bosses, the ones that used to give access to the next tier of raiding instances. The most striking examples are Lady Vashj and Kael'thas Sunstrider, the end bosses in the two tier 5 instances and the ones you previously had to kill before you got access to tier 6 content. Since they are quite hard in execution and require a full raid of adequately-geared characters, it can take a guild a couple of weeks before they're able to kill these bosses. And for this reason, a lot of guilds just seem to avoid these bosses and just skip straight to the next raid tier. The bosses aren't as hard to learn and the loot they drop is in most cases better or at least on par with the loot that drops from the end bosses.

I understand the lure of the loot and not wanting to spend lots and lots of time learning a hard encounter when you could spend time learning easier bosses in a couple of hours, who drop better loot to boot. But it's a shame, cause the fights they're skipping are some of the most challenging, exciting and rewarding encounters in the game. Especially Kael'thas Sunstrider, which I consider one of the best fights I have experienced in the game at the moment.

So my advice to these guilds is: even if you're skipping them for now, at least go back and try them when you think you're ready for em. You won't regret it. They might seem hard, but when you kill them, it's so much more rewarding in non-loot terms than the easy-mode bosses in the beginning of Mount Hyjal and Black Temple.

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