Thursday 3 July 2008

The price of in-game fluff

The goody bag we got at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational in Paris contained a special unique code for an exclusive in-game pet in World of Warcraft. Obviously this being an exclusive pet and all, there's a secondary market for it and some people have decided to put their code on eBay rather than using them on their own character.

One such seller managed to score an amazing $800 for their pet. Other stuff like for example the Spectral Tiger mount or a rocket flying mount that are only obtainable through special so-called loot cards in the World of Warcraft card game are selling for $1000 and more.

Am I the only one who thinks these prices are totally crazy? Well, obviously the laws of economics and supply and demand play here, but $1000 dollars for fluff which don't really have a noticeable impact on your characters seems like a lot! Somehow I can understand someone buying an account with a maxed out character in full endgame gear for that amount, but the same amount for a pretty visual which essentially does nothing for you… Nuts.

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