Thursday 31 July 2008

WotLK Beta - Borean Tundra and The Nexus

Today, I managed to unlock two new achievements

This means I've now officially "completed" Borean Tundra, one of the two starting zones in Wrath of the Lich King, the other being Howling Fjord. Or near enough anyway. Apparently you don't need to complete every single quest in the zone, because I still completed four more quests there after I already got the achievement unlocked. Furthermore I've also managed to clear the only non level-80 dungeon, The Nexus. At the end of the zone, I was level 73 and 30% into the next level, with minimal rest XP.

I have to say, without spoiling too much of the zone, that I thouroughly enjoyed my adventures here. There are a lot more storylines in this zone, compared to for example Hellfire Peninsula, the starting zone of The Burning Crusade. There's also a little more variety in the quest types, although obviously the vast majority of quests still has you collecting X number of enemies of a certain type, collecting Y number of drops from mobs or picking them up from the floor, or a delivery quest that sends you to the next quest hub. The zone also introduces you to a few new major races, each one having their own interesting storyline. You also have to help an old enemy race, including one very enjoyable quest, which will probably become an instant favourite of most players.

All in all a very enjoyable zone, it rates much higher than Hellfire Peninsula in my opinion, and most of the quests seem bug-free at the moment. The one thing that The Burning Crusade did better was, when you first enter the new zone, you immediately see Alliance and Horde forces, battling it out with huge demons, which made for a very impressive opening of the expansion. This is somewhat lacking. Although you are immediately dropped in the middle of a siege, it misses the same epic feeling.

The Nexus itself is a very atmospheric dungeon, although it remains a conventional dungeon crawl. It has four bosses and the two last bosses have an interesting mechanic to them that I hadn't seen before. Especially the last one has a nasty trick up her sleeve that might not get noticed in the heat of the battle. At least 3 out of 5 people in my party didn't notice it, and we only just managed to kill the boss.

All in all, it took us about one hour to clear the dungeon, but my group kind of overgeared the instance. It's a level 71-73 instance, and I was the lowest level player there at 73. The tank and another warlock were level 75 and all of us had tier 6 or season 3 gear, so it went quite smoothly.

Well, this zone sure wet my appetite for the remainder of the expansion. Hopefully the rest of the game is as enjoyable as Borean Tundra.

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