Wednesday 30 July 2008

WotLK Beta - New titles!

I quickly logged onto the Wrath of the Lich King beta after our guild raid last night, and spotted an alliance character who had a new title I hadn't seen before: Elder! I asked around but nobody seemed to know where it came from and since the character in question was alliance, I couldn't even ask him.

Well, today I found the answer. Apparently the Elder title is a reward from visiting every single Elder during the Lunar Festival world event, which is one of the achievements of the new Achievement system Blizzard is going to add in the expansion. And there are more of those. For example completing all quests related to Midsummer gives you the Flame Keeper title for Horde, Flame Warden for Alliance.

Hurray, more fluff! The completionist in me really likes these little rewards for achievements and they're exactly how they're supposed to be. Give the character some bragging rights for doing something out of the ordinary, but don't make it something you have to do to stay competitive.

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